Live from Nvidia’s 2017 CES keynote

Nvidia will be delivering the official 2017 CES keynote address, and it’s probably going to cover a broad range of topics. The company is basically doing a ton of interesting things in verticals ranging from self-driving cars to AI to media and more, and it’s really proving that being a GPU leader can pay huge dividends in a world where parallel processing is one of the most technically important fields of innovation.

Everyone from Google to Facebook to brand new startups are doubling down on their efforts to drive advances through machine learning and AI, and Nvidia’s position makes it uniquely able to ride this wave. So it only makes sense that Nvidia would set the tone for this year’s CES, where AI plays a pivotal role. We’ll be bringing you all the news live from the keynote, which kicks off at 6:30 PM PT, so join us then.